

Connector application trends

Dec 15, 2018

According to Global Industry forecasts, driven by China and the economies of Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America, the connector market will embrace the next five years of growth, with global connector demand reaching $60 billion in 2012. According to the Global Industry report, the Asian connector market reached US$6.4 billion in 2010, and China's market growth rate in 2015 will reach 20%.

· ITRI estimates that the global connector market will reach US$49.8 billion in 2010, a record high

· ITRI estimates that the global market for automotive connectors will reach $13.4 billion in 2011

· The global computer and peripheral connector market will reach $12.5 billion in 2011

· The global telecom data connector market will reach $10 billion in 2011

· Consumer connectors will continue to grow under the craze of digital homes and game consoles